Machinery Movement, Shipping and Transport

Transport Logistics provides a personal service which is available to machinery importers, dealers, individuals and the general public. We move machinery and over-dimensional loads, providing a door to door service. We can move your cargo anywhere within New Zealand or provide an Import and Export service Worldwide.
Because we specialise in solving transportation problems we have built up a wide range of freight contacts. Transport Logistics will analyse your requirements and tailor the most efficient solution; ship – road – rail.
Point to point or port to port, Transport Logistics specialises in handling and moving all construction, agricultural and earth moving machinery - no job is too small or too large. We transport cranes, excavators, graders, dump trucks, tractors, harvesters, bailers, silos, tanks. We are Costal Shipping specialists who pride ourselves in going the extra mile. You name it, we'll get it there.
For more information please contact:
Louise on 03 3745716 or
email: (click this link or copy and paste the address into your email program)